William Barr: A Profile of the Controversial US Attorney General

William Barr: A Profile of the Controversial US Attorney General

William Barr: A Profile of the Controversial US Attorney General

William Barr has been the United States Attorney General since February 14, 2019. During his tenure, he has been a highly controversial figure, often clashing with the media and other public figures over his decisions. But who is William Barr and how did he come to be the Attorney General?

William Pelham Barr was born on May 23, 1950 in New York City, to Mary Margaret and Donald Barr. His father worked as a professor at Columbia University, while his mother taught at Hunter College. Barr attended Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School and then went on to graduate from Horace Mann School in 1968. He then earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in government and Chinese from Columbia University in 1971. He later earned his Juris Doctor degree from George Washington University Law School in 1977.

After graduating from law school, Barr went to work for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). He worked in the Office of Legislative Counsel, where he specialized in national security law. In 1982, Barr left the CIA and joined the law firm of Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge, where he was a partner until 1990. During this time, he also served as an assistant attorney general in the Office of Legal Counsel in the Reagan Administration.

In 1989, Barr was appointed as the Deputy Attorney General of the United States by President George H. W. Bush. In this role, he was responsible for supervising the Department of Justice’s day-to-day operations. In 1991, Barr was named the 77th Attorney General of the United States. During his tenure, he was an advocate for the death penalty and pushed for tougher laws against drug offenders.

After leaving the Justice Department in 1993, Barr returned to Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge and also served as the chairman and CEO of Verizon Communications from 2000 to 2008. In 2018, he was appointed as the United States Attorney General by President Donald Trump.

Since becoming the Attorney General, Barr has been a controversial figure. He has been criticized for his handling of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, his decision to overrule prosecutors’ recommendations in the case of President Trump’s former adviser Roger Stone, and his refusal to recuse himself from the investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.

Barr has also been accused of politicizing the Justice Department. He has been criticized for taking actions to protect President Trump from investigations and for selectively releasing information to the public. He has also been accused of bending the law to benefit the president and his allies.


Q: What is William Barr’s background?
A: William Barr was born in New York City in 1950 and earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in government and Chinese from Columbia University in 1971. After graduating from law school, he worked for the Central Intelligence Agency and later served as the Deputy Attorney General of the United States under President George H. W. Bush and the 77th Attorney General of the United States under President Donald Trump.

Q: What are some of the controversies surrounding William Barr?
A: William Barr has been the subject of numerous controversies during his tenure as Attorney General. He has been criticized for his handling of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, his decision to overrule prosecutors’ recommendations in the case of Roger Stone, and his refusal to recuse himself from the investigation into the origins of the Russia probe. He has also been accused of politicizing the Justice Department and bending the law to benefit the president and his allies.

Q: What is William Barr’s current role?
A: William Barr is currently serving as the United States Attorney General. He was appointed to the position by President Donald Trump in 2018.